What is Bee Pollen?

Bee pollen is a mixture of flower pollen, nectar, enzymes, honey, wax, and bee secretions that bees collect and pack into granules. It is often referred to as nature’s multivitamin due to its rich nutritional profile. Bees collect pollen from flowers as a...

Why use pain relief patch rather than cream?

Choosing between a pain relief patch and a cream depends on personal preference, the nature of the pain, and individual needs. Here are some reasons why someone might opt for a pain relief patch over a cream or oil: 1. Extended Release: Pain relief patches often...

Why use Poweroll pain relief cream or oil?

Pain relief cream or oil are often used for various reasons to alleviate discomfort, and their application can be beneficial for several purposes: 1. Localized Relief: Pain relief creams are designed to be applied directly to the affected area, providing targeted...